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How to Donate Gently Used Books

for Lake Worth Little Free Libraries

mixed books banner.jpg

artwork by Jane Mount

If you have been thinking about donating the gently used books in your home library to the Lake Worth Little Free Libraries project, Thank You! Here are some guidelines for the type of books we happily accept.

Children's books in gently used condition, baby board books up to teen chapter books are always appreciated. Picture books about dinosaurs and animals are always favorites, but any child's book in good condition will fly out of our Little Free Libraries at the speed of love.

Our LFLs also serve the grown-ups in our community and here's where the list of what we can use narrows down a bit. Fiction only please! Travel books, reference books like encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri and like that don't work for us. Text books, business related, self help and books of a political or religious nature don't work for us either.

Hard cover fiction for grown-ups should be in excellent condition, preferably with the dust covers intact. Paperback books, also fiction only please, are very welcome as long as they are in good condition.

Space in the Little Free Libraries is extremely limited and we try very hard to maintain inventories that have the broadest possible appeal to the most people. To arrange a pick-up in this area, please Contact Us. 

Of course you may choose to "Leave A Book" in any of the Little Free Libraries, but we ask you to please be mindful of these guidelines. Overfilling a Little Free Library makes it difficult for readers to see what's available.

Yes, Please

No, Thank You

Classic & Contemporary Children's Storybooks
Chapter books for tween-age boys and girls
Graphic Novels for Tweens and Teens
Young Adult Fiction

Paperback and Soft Cover Novels

in good condition, no yellowed or torn pages

Nature books of all kinds for all ages
Birding books are very popular

Hard Cover Grown-up Fiction
with dust covers intact

​Religious Texts or Pamphlets

Self-Help Books

Politically Aimed Books

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries,Thesaurus

Text Books and Manuals

Reference Books

Over-sized coffee table books

Please Note, Donated grown-up books in excellent condition are always welcome at the Friendly Little Book Shop. Proceeds go entirely and directly to the Lake Worth Beach City Library. 

Little Free Libraries were established in Lake Worth to enhance literacy and build community. We are well aware of the broad spectrum of political persuasions and the wide diversity of religious convictions in our Community.  Our Public Library is filled with many volumes covering both of these wide ranging topics and we invite our neighbors to visit there soon and often to choose books that speak to their political and religious convictions. Our Little Free Libraries are first of all ~ Little ~ and it's simply not possible to offer an equal or adequate representation of all these types of books. Books of a religious or political nature that may be left by well-meaning neighbors will be removed and appropriately recycled.

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